Small reading


Pointed clarity in 3-4 cards.

Ask anything and I bet you’ll say: ‘Why didn’t I think of that before?’

Often a snappy reading is the best when you need your blind spots fixed.

These blind spots can refer to not seeing clearly how a situation presents itself to you, or just what underlies its structure. You may have a vague feeling about something. A 3-card reading can address the issue head-on.

Whatever you ask for, be specific. If you ask about work, it makes a difference to know in advance whether you're a writer or a plumber. Share as much context as you can, as the specificity of the cartomantic answer relies entirely on how you present your situation. The same applies to questions about shifting lanes, focus, or purpose and direction.

Waiting time: an email containing your reading will be sent to you within 24 hours. Slot your question in the question box at check out.

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Question: What can I do to make my boss appreciate my work?

Answer: You’re up against forces that don’t prioritize your interests and investments in your work. You may have been hired for your brilliance (Sun), but the general drudgery at work (Wheel) leads to subtle adversity (Devil).

You can continue to shine, but know that it is not your skills that you must bank on. Rather, what you actually need is to engage in manipulations. This is a tall order if you’re the honest kind. But since the environment at work is not honest, your effort for clear communication will be wasted.

Perhaps your boss likes flattery. Try that for a change, and see if you won’t get more out of it. Or else, try to get a sense of what underground activities rule, and then act in accordance. When the Devil pulls both the stings and the lever of the wheel, nothing good comes out of it, unless you partner with this boss on these terms.

And yet, with these cards on the table, you may want to start looking for another job…